Events For more current updates, check out our Facebook Page. Facebook At block party in College Place in May, 2023. We’ll be showing up at more community events like this in the coming months in the Walla Walla Valley so come and find us at the yellow decorated booth! Tri-College Day on April 16, 2023. Thank you to Blue Zones Project and all these wonderful volunteers who helped us organize our processing center. Annett Bovent running the pay table at our last yard sale. We made almost $2,000. Hope Heals at a Men’s Retreat in Milton Freewater (May 20, 2023). Sponsored by Faith Bible Church and Tim & Robin Sanchez. Tri-College Day volunteers helped Hope Heals pack it’s 46th care package of 2023. We had tons of great stuff at our last yard sale! We hope you come check out our next one.